Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Child's Day at the Market

Arrive at Wesley Park UMC and say hello to the Alpaca on the church lawn.
Receive the Market Passport filled with games and activities and opportunities to win prizes.
Dash over to the Change for Kids Challenge booth to have the change in the Ark bank counted and be entered into the "You Really Got Our Goat!" Competition.
Meet the animals and learn about how they help families provide food, clothing, shelter and education to children around the world.
Take a tour of the world by visiting the Project booths.
Listen to the Storyteller and learn some songs at the Heifer Theater. Hang around to see the video about Beatrice Biira, from the book Beatrice's Goat, now that she is all grown up.
Take a break and get some food downstairs. All this talk about World Hunger can sure get your tummy rumbling!
Drop by the craft table for face painting and fun craft projects with Lori.
Look at the cool fair-trade purchases mom made.
Pick up your prizes at the Redemption Barn.
Say goodbye to the alpaca on your way back to the car, full of happy memories and dreams for a world without hunger.

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